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Two Ways to Live is a bible study material that is adapted from Matthias Media, an evangelical publishing ministry in Sydney, Australia. For more information, do check out this link:

In Brief...

In essence, Two Ways to Live is a memorable summary of the Christian gospel. In six simple points, it conveys the key information that the average non-Christian person needs to understand in order to become a Christian. And it does so in a way that does not assume any prior knowledge or understanding of Christian concepts. The Two Ways to Liveoutline is the basis for three different kinds of resources:


  • things to give away

  • an evangelistic Bible study, and

  • a training course for every Christian.


More info...

At the most basic level, Two Ways to Live is simply a memorable summary of the Christian gospel. Or to put it more accurately, it is the Christian gospel including some of its necessary presuppositions and background.

In the New Testament, the word ‘gospel’ usually refers to the proclamation of Jesus Christ crucified. It is the announcement that God's kingdom has arrived in the person of his Son, the powerful Messiah, who inaugurates his worldwide reign by dying and rising again so that repentance and forgiveness can be preached to all nations. This Jesus Christ now rules at God's right hand, from where he will come again to judge.


In other words, Jesus himself is the focus of the Christian message or ‘gospel’. However, Jesus does not arrive in a vacuum. He arrives as the culmination of God's plans, and their outworking in history. He comes and dies and rises, “according to the Scriptures”. He arrives in the context of all that God has already revealed about himself and humanity.


All this is part of the background or ‘worldview’ that the biblical authors took for granted, but which many modern (or postmodern) people do not share. If we are to know and tell the gospel in a world where these basic assumptions about God and human guilt are no longer shared, or even common, then we need to fill in some of the rest of the story. We need to provide some of the background.

This is what Two Ways to Live seeks to do. It fills in some of the wider story of the Bible, some of the biblical theology, so that the message about Jesus makes sense.

If you are completely new to Two Ways to Live, you may like to pause at this point and read through the basic text of the outline, as found in the online presentation of Two ways to live. You will see that the six points not only provide a brief summary of the whole story of the Bible, but fit logically together as a coherent set of propositions.


  • God the creator; humanity ruling under his authority.

  • Humanity rebels, wishing to run things its own way.

  • God judges (and will judge) humanity for this rebellion.

  • In his love, God sends Jesus to die as an atoning sacrifice.

  • In his power, God raises Jesus to life as ruler and judge.

  • This presents us with a challenge to repent and believe.


Notice that there is a clear and easy-to-follow movement through the six points, not only logically but historically. At one level it is a set of six ideas or propositions, one leading naturally and logically to the next. However, these propositions are not abstract or removed from history. They represent in miniature the whole history of the world.


In other words, for those in these postmodern times who share very little with us in terms of Christian assumptions,Two Ways to Live provides a simple way to tell the whole story, to communicate (in brief) the whole Christian worldview.

The drawings that accompany Two Ways to Live are designed to make this communication process easier. They serve at one level to help Christians learn and remember the Two Ways to Live gospel outline. At another level, they can also be useful in making the message clear and memorable as we share it with someone. The drawings may not be used in every circumstance, but they are an important part of the overall package.


Another advantage of the presentation is that it leads naturally to challenging someone to become a Christian, then and there. As the great American chess master Bobby Fischer always maintained: the first thing to learn about chess is how to get checkmate.


Description adapted from: Matthias Media (two ways to live)


Ever found it difficult to live Matthew 28:19 just because you can't seem to find the right words to speak?


This is one example of what we will be learning in the two ways to live programme.


Missed the awesome skit put up by KPC members during the church service?


The next two videos are re-enactments of a typical scenario when a Christian is speaking to a friend and the topic shifts to religion. The opportunity to share the Gospel arises. Which situation would you rather be in?


Colossians 1:25-29 :


I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness - the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of the glory.


Katong Presbyterian Church 

42 Joo Chiat Lane 

Singapore 428102


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